Hi James,

In terms of areas of active development, there's still quite a bit to do in
MapReduce and YARN. ApplicationHistoryServer (YARN-321), Rolling Restart
(YARN-666), and work-preserving preemption are all in their early stages.
 YARN in general could also still use some polish so there are probably a
decent number of JIRAs to pick up in that area.  I haven't contributed very
much to HDFS, so I don't have a ton of knowledge about what's going on

Also, I've found that a good way to start contributing is to use the
software and find things about it that bother you.

Hope that helps,

On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 9:17 AM, James Carman <ja...@carmanconsulting.com>wrote:

> I would like to get started contributing to Hadoop.  Does anyone have
> any pointers on where to start digging in?  I don't mean "look at
> JIRAs and start submitting patches."  I mean, which areas of the
> project would be a good place to start for a beginner?

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