Hi guys,

I'm using Spring-data-solr in my project. SDS declares Solr-core as a
dependency. Solr declares hadoop-auth, hadoop-common, hadoop-hdfs
dependencies. Each and every one of those dependencies declares log4j and
slf4j-log4j12 as runtime dependencies, and also hadoop-common declares
servlet-api version 2.5 as runtime dependency. So in the end I also get
servlet-api 2.5, slf4 and log4j in my classpath.
This normally shouldn't be a problem, but in my case I'm using Servlet 3.0,
log4j2, and SL4j for log4j2. This completely messes up my classpath, so I
have to manually exclude those dependencies, like this:
Just out of curiosity here - what is the reason to include log4j,
slf4j-log4j12 and servlet-api as runtime dependencies? I think they should
be with scope provided. It's good to program your API against slf4j, but
then the connector should be specified by the user (Log4J2 in my case).
Also are there any plans to migrate to Log4J2 - it seems pretty solid (9
betas so far) and It is supposed to be released soon.

Thanks for you time and keep up the good work.

Regards, Petar!
Karlovo, Bulgaria.
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