Sangjin, Steve and others:

just curious if you guys figured out a way to address/workaround this
hurdle - not being able to delete or force push. Should we reach out to
INFRA again?

On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 10:21 AM, Allen Wittenauer <> wrote:

> > On Nov 12, 2015, at 10:14 AM, Sangjin Lee <> wrote:
> >
> > I don't think we're proposing project-specific rules. It would be a
> > recognition of the git branch name prefix "feature/".
> >
> > If the file name had "HADOOP-67890-HADOOP-12345.001.patch" where
> > HADOOP-12345 was the feature JIRA but the git branch was
> > "feature/HADOOP-12345", if yetus didn't find a branch named
> "HADOOP-12345",
> > can it also look for "feature/HADOOP-12345" before failing the build?
> > HADOOP-12345 can be any branch JIRA.
>         In a “everyone in the world including outside the ASF wants this
> magic branch matching happening” way, no, Yetus shouldn't do that.  If
> Yetus added a flag to the JIRA plugin where this patch file naming stuff
> happens or make it a personality setting, then potentially yes.  Yetus
> isn’t just Hadoop and it’s important to remember that when requesting
> additions.

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