
I'm new and I'm try for the first time to use hadoop (version 2.6.4). I 
downloaded the binaries from the official site 

I noticied something strange. In the hadoop folder, inside sbin there is the 
start-dfs.sh script. I changed it putting an echo at the beginning of the line 

When I run the start-dfs.sh I saw this:

$ hadoop-2.6.4/sbin/start-dfs.sh

Starting namenodes on [localhost]
/home/myuser/Desktop/Download/hadoop-2.6.4/sbin/hadoop-daemons.sh --config 
/home/myuser/Desktop/Download/hadoop-2.6.4/etc/hadoop --hostnames localhost 
--script /home/myuser/Desktop/Download/hadoop-2.6.4/sbin/hdfs start namenode
Starting secondary namenodes []

but in the sbin folder there isn't hdfs, because it is in the bin folder. I 
found the error comes from the line 25:

bin=`dirname "${BASH_SOURCE-$0}"`

where $BASH_SOURCE is hadoop-2.6.4/sbin/start-dfs.sh

is this a bug? or am I doing some kind of mistake?

I add here another little question:
if I try to do:

$ bin/hdfs start namenode

I got:

Could not find or load main class start

but if I try to do:

$ bin/hdfs namenode

seems start correctly. Is this the expected behaviour?
because I saw "bin/hdfs start namenode" is also used by start-dfs.sh

Thank you all,

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