Hi Genius,

 I want to intercept the requests in the processRpcRequest() method in the
listener component in server.java, for example if I want to intercept the
"mkdirs" and "append" request,  I just try to get the method name and
parameters before this line:

Currently I use the following way to get the method name:
      rpcRequest = call.rpcRequest;
      RpcRequestWrapper request = (RpcRequestWrapper) rpcRequest;
      RequestHeaderProto rpcRequestProto = request.getRequestHeader();
      String methodName = rpcRequestProto.getMethodName();

Then the methodName is "mkdirs" if the request is "./bin/hdfs dfs -mkdir
input/test1", however I don't know how to get the parameter, like
"input/test1", does anyone know how to get the methodName and parameters
from the Call object?

Thanks a lot and very appreciate.

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