
Noticed it's an obvious trend Hadoop is supporting more and more cloud 
platforms, I suggest we have a top container module to hold such integration 
modules, like the ones for aws, openstack, azure and upcoming one aliyun. The 
rational is simple besides the trend:

1.       Existing modules are mixed in Hadoop-tools that becomes a little big 
being of 18 modules now. Cloud specific ones can be grouped together and 
separated out, making more sense;

2.       Future abstraction and common specs & codes sharing could be easier or 
thereafter allowed;

3.       Common testing approach could be defined together, for example, some 
mechanisms as discussed by Chris, Steve and Allen in HADOOP-12756;

4.       Documentation for "Hadoop on Cloud"? Not sure it's needed, as we 
already have a section for "Hadoop compatible File Systems".

If sounds good, the change would be a good fit for Hadoop 3.0, even though the 
change should not involve big impact, as it can avoid affecting the artifacts. 
It may cause some inconveniences for the current development efforts, though.

Comments are welcome. Thanks!


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