The short answer is that it is expected to pass without any errors.

On branch-2.x, that command passes cleanly without any errors though it takes 
north of 10 minutes. Note that I run it with -DskipTests - you don’t want to 
wait for all the unit tests to run, that’ll take too much time. I expect trunk 
to be the same too.

Which branch are you running this against? What errors are you seeing? If it is 
unit-tests you are talking about, you can instead run with skipTests, run only 
specific tests or all tests in the module you are touching, make sure they pass 
and then let Jenkins infrastructure run the remaining tests when you submit the 


> On Jul 26, 2016, at 11:41 AM, Martin Rosse <> wrote:
> Hi,
> In the How To Contribute doc, it says:
> "Try getting the project to build and test locally before writing code...."
> So, just to be 100% certain before I keep troubleshooting things, this
> means I should be able to run
> mvn clean install -Pdist -Dtar
> without getting any failures or errors at, right?
> I am surprised at how long this is taking as errors keep cropping up.
> Should I just expect it to really take many hours (already at 10+) to work
> through these issues? I am setting up a dev environment on an Ubuntu 14.04
> 64-bit desktop from the AWS marketplace running on EC2.
> It would seem it's an obvious YES answer, but given the time investment
> I've been making I just wanted to be absolutely sure before continuing.
> I thought it possible that maybe some errors, depending on their nature,
> can be overlooked, and that other developers may be doing that in practice.
> And hence perhaps I should as well to save time. Yes or No??
> Thank you,
> Martin

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