On 22 Aug 2017, at 17:24, Allen Wittenauer 
<a...@effectivemachines.com<mailto:a...@effectivemachines.com>> wrote:

Ugly error, but still no CNFE. So at least out of the box with a build from 
last week. I guess this is working?  At this point, it’d probably be worthwhile 
to make sure that the libexec/shellprofile.d/hadoop-aws.sh on your system is in 
working order. In particular...

if hadoop_verify_entry HADOOP_TOOLS_OPTIONS "hadoop-aws"; then
 hadoop_add_profile "hadoop-aws”

… is the magic code.  It (effectively[2]) says that if HADOOP_OPTIONAL_TOOLS 
has hadoop-aws in it, then activate the hadoop-aws profile which should end up 
calling hadoop_add_to_classpath_tools hadoop-aws.   Might also be worthwhile to 
check simple stuff like permissions.

Catching up on this. Looks like I don't have a hadoop-aws profile, which 
explains a lot, doesn't it.

How do those profiles get created/copied in? I know there's an explicit s3guard 
entry now.


..do you think the presence of that entry is causing problems (i.e stopping a 
hadoop-aws profile being created?)

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