Thanks for sharing this, Allen.

Question: Does GPL licensing of the JDK/JVM affect us negatively?

On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 10:14 AM, Allen Wittenauer <>

> > Begin forwarded message:
> >
> > From: "Rory O'Donnell" <>
> > Subject: Moving Java Forward Faster
> > Date: September 7, 2017 at 2:12:45 AM PDT
> > To: " >> Mark Struberg" <>
> > Cc:,,
> > Reply-To:
> >
> > Hi Mark & Gavin,
> >
> > Oracle is proposing a rapid release model for Java SE going-forward.
> >
> > The high points are highlighted below, details of the changes can be
> found on Mark Reinhold’s blog [1] , OpenJDK discussion email list [2].
> >
> > Under the proposed release model, after JDK 9, we will adopt a strict,
> time-based model with a new major release every six months, update releases
> every quarter, and a long-term support release every three years.
> >
> > The new JDK Project will run a bit differently than the past "JDK $N"
> Projects:
> >
> > - The main development line will always be open but fixes, enhancements,
> and features will be merged only when they're nearly finished. The main
> line will be Feature Complete [3] at all times.
> >
> > - We'll continue to use the JEP Process [4] for new features and other
> significant changes. The bar to target a JEP to a specific release will,
> however, be higher since the work must be Feature Complete in order to go
> in. Owners of large or risky features will be strongly encouraged to split
> such features up into smaller and safer parts, to integrate earlier in the
> release cycle, and to publish separate lines of early-access builds prior
> to integration.
> >
> > The JDK Updates Project will run in much the same way as the past "JDK
> $N" Updates Projects, though update releases will be strictly limited to
> fixes of security issues, regressions, and bugs in newer features.
> >
> > Related to this proposal, we intend to make a few changes in what we do:
> >
> > - Starting with JDK 9 we'll ship OpenJDK builds under the GPL [5], to
> make it easier for developers to deploy Java applications to cloud
> environments. We'll initially publish OpenJDK builds for Linux/x64,
> followed later by builds for macOS/x64 and Windows/x64.
> >
> > - We'll continue to ship proprietary "Oracle JDK" builds, which include
> "commercial features" [6] such as Java Flight Recorder and Mission Control
> [7], under a click-through binary-code license [8]. Oracle will continue to
> offer paid support for these builds.
> >
> > - After JDK 9 we'll open-source the commercial features in order to make
> the OpenJDK builds more attractive to developers and to reduce the
> differences between those builds and the Oracle JDK. This will take some
> time, but the ultimate goal is to make OpenJDK and Oracle JDK builds
> completely interchangeable.
> >
> > - Finally, for the long term we'll work with other OpenJDK contributors
> to establish an open build-and-test infrastructure. This will make it
> easier to publish early-access builds for features in development, and
> eventually make it possible for the OpenJDK Community itself to publish
> authoritative builds of the JDK.
> >
> > Questions , comments, feedback to OpenJDK discuss mailing list [2]
> >
> > Rgds,Rory
> >
> > [1]
> > [2]
> September/004281.html
> > [3]
> > [4]
> > [5]
> > [6]
> products/index.html
> > [7]
> control/index.html
> > [8]
> license/index.html
> >
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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