
Can this be addressed in some way during or before upgrade that allows it
to only affect new installs?
Even a config based workaround prior to upgrade might make this a change
less disruptive.

If part of the upgrade process includes a step (maybe even a script) to set
the NN RPC port explicitly beforehand then it would allow existing
deployments and related clients to remain whole - otherwise it will uptake
the new default port.

Meta note: we shouldn't be so pedantic about policy that we can't back out
something that is considered a bug or even mistake.

On Mon, Jan 8, 2018 at 9:17 PM, Aaron T. Myers <> wrote:

> Hello all,
> Over in HDFS-12990 <>[1],
> we're having some discussion about whether or not it's ever acceptable to
> make an incompatible change in a minor or dot release. In general this is
> of course undesirable and should be avoided in almost all cases. However, I
> believe that each instance of someone desiring to make an incompatible
> change should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to consider the costs
> and benefits of making that change. For example, I believe that we've
> historically made incompatible changes in minor or dot releases which would
> break older clients for security reasons.
> In this particular case linked above,  I believe that given that Hadoop
> 3.0.0 was just released, and thus very few folks are likely to have
> deployed it, it would benefit a large number of existing deployments and
> downstream applications to change the default NN RPC port number back to
> what it was in all previously-released versions of Apache Hadoop. I'd like
> to make this change in 3.0.1, and there is no question that doing so would
> should be considered an incompatible change between 3.0.0 and 3.0.1.
> However, I believe this incompatible change is warranted given the
> circumstances.
> Would like to hear others' thoughts on this.
> Thanks,
> Aaron
> [1] For some background, it used to be the case that many of Hadoop's
> default service ports were in the ephemeral range. This could potentially
> cause a service to fail to start up on a given host if some other process
> had happened to have already bound to said port. As part of that effort, we
> also changed the default NN RPC port from 8020 to 9820. Even though 8020
> wasn't in the ephemeral range, we moved it to 9820 to be close to the new
> range of the rest of the ports. At the time this change was made, though, I
> and others didn't realize the substantial downsides that doing so would
> introduce, for example the Hive metastore will put full HDFS paths
> including the port into its database, which can be a substantial upgrade
> headache.

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