
Are any Hadoop developers working/running on Windows 10 Pro x64 (AMD)?

If so, how did you get Hadoop to work/run?

I am told that to run on Windows 10 Pro x64, that I need to set:
1. HADOOP_HOME  ( I set to C:\hadoop)
2. create %HADOOP_HOME%/bin
3. and put two files in there (hadoop.dll, winutils.exe)

and to put %HADOOP_HOME%/bin in my path.

I searched and found hadoop.dll and winutils.exe here:

but when I tried using 3.2.1 , I get (when running) Cannot run program "C:\hadoop\bin\winutils.exe":
CreateProcess error=216, This version of %1 is not compatible with the
version of Windows you're running. Check your computer's system information
and then contact the software publisher

I tried following the instructions for compiling hadoop.dll and
winutils.exe, but it is simply not humanly possible.  If so, try it, follow
the instructions and you will see.

I want to ask if anyone has, or knows where i can get ;   hadoop.dll and
winutils.exe or can please help me compile.
I have Windows 10 Pro with cygwin installed.  I do not want to install
anything else beyond this as it super craps out my machine when I install
any developer tool or IDE from Microsoft.

I needed to get Hadoop on Windows up and running a month ago, I am way
behind and the project is in jeopardy.
So Jesus please, if anyone is doing this (compiling), please let me know.

Also why can't there be a /binaries/win/3.2.1/* directory somewhere, these
can be downloaded.  Many thousands of people, beyond myself, are having
problems with this each and every day.

Every place I go, Windows 10 Pro is on the desk for development use.  I do
not see that developers are giving Linux boxes for development.  yes we
deploy to Linux, Cloud, but IDE's run on Windows - few use Macs here and
there.  I'm not making this up, look at the numbers.

If you are surrounded by people that run macs and Linux as their primary
development machine, you are in a bubble, it's predominantly Windows out
there in the dev world.

thank you

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