Mukund and I have put together a release candidate (RC0) for Hadoop 3.3.5.

Given the time of year it's a bit unrealistic to run a 5 day vote and
expect people to be able to test it thoroughly enough to make this the one
we can ship.

What we would like is for anyone who can to verify the tarballs, and test
the binaries, especially anyone who can try the arm64 binaries. We've got
the building of those done and now the build file will incorporate them
into the release -but neither of us have actually tested it yet. Maybe I
should try it on my pi400 over xmas.

The maven artifacts are up on the apache staging repo -they are the ones
from x86 build. Building and testing downstream apps will be incredibly

The RC is available at:

The git tag is release-3.3.5-RC0, commit 3262495904d

The maven artifacts are staged at

You can find my public key at:

Change log

Release notes

This is off branch-3.3 and is the first big release since 3.3.2.

Key changes include

* Big update of dependencies to try and keep those reports of
  transitive CVEs under control -both genuine and false positive.
* HDFS RBF enhancements
* Critical fix to ABFS input stream prefetching for correct reading.
* Vectored IO API for all FSDataInputStream implementations, with
  high-performance versions for file:// and s3a:// filesystems.
  file:// through java native io
  s3a:// parallel GET requests.
* This release includes Arm64 binaries. Please can anyone with
  compatible systems validate these.

Please try the release and vote on it, even though i don't know what is a
good timeline here...i'm actually going on holiday in early jan. Mukund is
around and so can drive the process while I'm offline.

Assuming we do have another iteration, the RC1 will not be before mid jan
for that reason

Steve (and mukund)

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