Hey all,

HADOOP-18073 was recently merged to trunk, which upgrades the AWS SDK to
V2. Since this merge, there has been work for stabilising this SDK version
upgrade, as tracked in HADOOP-18886. Further, HADOOP-18995 and HADOOP-18996
added support for Amazon Express One Zone.

The SDK upgrade has brought major code changes to the hadoop-aws module.
For example, In the v2 SDK, all package, class and method names have
changed. Due to the upgrade being a large change, it might be good to
release these changes as Hadoop 3.4.0. For this, I started creating a
branch-3.4 from branch-3.3 and branch-3.4.0 for a possible release early
next year.

The other option would be to release from trunk as a 3.3.x release, but due
to the large number of changes there this will be really difficult.

Thoughts on a 3.4.0 release?

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