
Aaron Kimball updated HADOOP-6152:

    Attachment: HADOOP-6152.5.patch

Fixed more bugs in the script. Attaching (hopefully!) final version.

My test procedure:

* I have checked out the projects in {{\~/src/git/hadoop-common}}, 
{{\~/src/git/hdfs}}, and {{\~/src/git/mapred}}.
* Create directory links:
$ cd ~/src/git/hadoop-common
$ ln -s ~/src/git/hdfs hdfs
$ ln -s ~/src/git/mapred mapred
* Build all three projects:
$ cd ~/src/git/hadoop-common
$ ant clean jar
* Repeat in hdfs, mapred
* If you want version info to be accurate, run 'ant jar' again in all three 
* Configured a pseudo-distributed cluster in 
hadoop-common/conf/mapred-site.xml, hdfs-site.xml, core-site.xml
* Start services:
$ cd ~/src/git/hadoop-common
$ bin/hdfs namenode -format
$ bin/start-dfs.sh
$ bin/start-mapred.sh
* Prove that it works:
$ bin/hadoop version
Hadoop 0.21.0-dev
Subversion git://jargon/home/aaron/src/git/hadoop-common -r 
Compiled by aaron on Fri Aug 21 15:21:35 PDT 2009
>From source with checksum b5412529439930b062e5e706c0bf2456
$ bin/hadoop fs -ls /
Found 1 items
drwxr-xr-x   - aaron supergroup          0 2009-08-21 15:16 /tmp

> Hadoop scripts do not correctly put jars on the classpath
> ---------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HADOOP-6152
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-6152
>             Project: Hadoop Common
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: scripts
>            Reporter: Aaron Kimball
>            Assignee: Aaron Kimball
>            Priority: Blocker
>             Fix For: 0.21.0
>         Attachments: HADOOP-6152.2.patch, HADOOP-6152.3.patch, 
> HADOOP-6152.4.patch, HADOOP-6152.5.patch, HADOOP-6152.patch
> The various Hadoop scripts (bin/hadoop, bin/hdfs, bin/mapred) do not properly 
> identify the jars needed to run Hadoop. They try to include 
> hadoop-*-hdfs.jar, etc, rather than the hadoop-hdfs-*.jar that is actually 
> created by the 'ant jar' and 'ant package' targets.

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