
He Yongqiang commented on HADOOP-5438:

i am -1 to revert.

> Merge FileSystem.create and FileSystem.append
> ---------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HADOOP-5438
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-5438
>             Project: Hadoop Common
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: fs
>            Reporter: He Yongqiang
>            Assignee: He Yongqiang
>             Fix For: 0.21.0
>         Attachments: Hadoop-5438(2009-04-06).patch, 
> Hadoop-5438-2009-03-30.patch, Hadoop-5438-2009-03-31-2.patch, 
> Hadoop-5438-2009-03-31.patch, Hadoop-5438-2009-05-10.patch, 
> Hadoop-5438-2009-05-15.patch, Hadoop-5438-2009-05-19.patch, 
> Hadoop-5438-2009-05-5.patch
> Currently, when a user wants to modify a file, the user first calls exists() 
> to know if this file is already there. And then uses create() or append() 
> according to whether the file exists or not.
> the code looks like:
> {code}
> FSDataOutputStream out_1 = null;
> if (fs.exists(path_1))
>    out_1 = fs.append(path_1);
> else
>    out_1 = fs.create(path_1);
> {code}
> . On the performace side,It involes two RPCs. On the easy-of-use side, it is 
> not very convient in contrast to the traditional open interface.
> It will more complicate if there is a overwrite parameter specified. I donot 
> know whether there is a bug about 'overwrite' in 0.19, some times it takes a 
> long time for overwrite creates to reture. So i make the write file code with 
> overwrite param works like:
> {code}
> boolean exists = fs.exists(name);
> if (overwrite) {
>     if (exists)
>        fs.delete(name, true);
>      this.out = fs.create(name, overwrite, bufferSize, replication,
>                                   blockSize, progress);
>      this.currentRowID = 0;
>  } else {
>    if (!exists)
>       this.out = fs.create(name, overwrite, bufferSize,
>                                       replication, blockSize, progress);
>    else
>       this.out = fs.append(name, bufferSize, progress);
> {code}
> Some code statements there are really redundant and not needed, especialy 
> with the delete(). But without deleting first, the overwrite takes a long 
> time to reture.
> BTW, i will create another issue about the overwrite problem. If it is not a 
> bug at all or a duplicate, someone please close it.

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