
Hairong Kuang updated HADOOP-6904:

    Attachment: rpcVersion.patch

Here is a patch for review.

1. It introduces a new exception VersionIncompatible means that the server is 
not able to serve the client because they are not compatible, while 
VersionMismatch only means that the client and server have different versions 
and the server could not determine if the client is compatible with the server 
or not.

2. It adds a set of unit tests to illustrate how client & server can talk 

Other changes are trivial.

> A baby step towards inter-version communications between dfs client and 
> NameNode
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HADOOP-6904
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-6904
>             Project: Hadoop Common
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>          Components: ipc
>    Affects Versions: 0.22.0
>            Reporter: Hairong Kuang
>            Assignee: Hairong Kuang
>             Fix For: 0.22.0
>         Attachments: rpcVersion.patch
> Currently RPC communications in Hadoop is very strict. If a client has a 
> different version from that of the server, a VersionMismatched exception is 
> thrown and the client can not connect to the server. This force us to update 
> both client and server all at once if a RPC protocol is changed. But sometime 
> different versions do not mean the client & server are not compatible. It 
> would be nice if we could relax this restriction and allows us to support 
> inter-version communications.
> My idea is that DfsClient catches VersionMismatched exception when it 
> connects to NameNode. It then checks if the client & the server is 
> compatible. If yes, it sets the NameNode version in the dfs client and allows 
> the client to continue talking to NameNode. Otherwise, rethrow the 
> VersionMismatch exception.

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