
Vinay Devadiga commented on HADOOP-18716:

Hi [~ayushtkn] i dont have band width to raise PR , but here are most of the 
fixes explanation here are there tested it out . Any body can raise PR .

h3. Appendix
 #1.The first major error which we encountered was the following stack trace -

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class 

This error seems to be the lack of support of the current guice version 4.0 for 
jre 17 . so after upgrading the guice version to 5.1.0 reduced the {*}errors by 
the 300{*}.



2 . The second major error which we encountered the child jvms spawned by the 
maven do not have major add-opens which were causing various failures . 

         1. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class 
         2. java.io.IOException: Unexpected HTTP response: 
code=500 != 200, op=MKDIRS, 
         message=Server Error
         4. org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnRuntimeException:
         6. java.lang.Exception: Unexpected exception,  
          expected<org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp.WebAppException> but 
          7. org.apache.hadoop.service.ServiceStateException: 
           org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnException: Failed to 
initialize queues
          8. org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnRuntimeException: 
and many more

To fix this we use the arg line child property of 


We add the following - add-opens in the arg line and in the child projects 


This fix brought down the errors by 2000. So the current count is {*}reduced to 

3. There were various mockito exceptions of these following stack trace 

java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot enter synchronized block because 
"this.lock" is null

Mockito cannot mock this class: class com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse.

If you're not sure why you're getting this error, please report to the mailing 

Java : 17
JVM vendor name : Amazon.com Inc.
JVM vendor version : 17.0.6+10-LTS
JVM name : OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
JVM version : 17.0.6+10-LTS
JVM info : mixed mode, sharing
OS name : Linux
OS version : 4.14.309-231.529.amzn2.x86_64

You are seeing this disclaimer because Mockito is configured to create inlined 
You can learn about inline mocks and their limitations under item #39 of the 
Mockito class javadoc.

Underlying exception : org.mockito.exceptions.base.MockitoException: Could not 
modify all classes [class com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse, class 

etc .These errors got fix after updating the mockito-core version and its scope 


Other mockito exceptions are failing with following stack trace - 

Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: 
at jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe.registerNatives(Native Method)
at jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe.<clinit>(Unsafe.java:57)
at java.base/java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)

This is surely because we have not access to {{Unsafe}} . 

Ref: [https://github.com/jboss-javassist/javassist/issues/227]

This brought down *error failures to 200* .
 # There were some other minor errors like for [MetricsInvariantChecker 
 etc which used javascript engine for their testing, which is not supported in 
JRE 17 so the fix was add the following dependency and use graal.js as an 


</dependency> --this.scriptEngine = (Compilable) 
++this.scriptEngine = (Compilable) manager.getEngineByName("graal.js");

There were also some other failures -

cannot access class sun.nio.ch.DirectBuffer (in module java.base) because 
module java.base does not export sun.nio.ch to unnamed module @0x59d016c9

This caused fixed by adding -

--add-opens=java.base/sun.nio.ch=ALL-UNNAMED \
--add-opens=java.base/sun.nio.cs=ALL-UNNAMED \



5.The next set of errors which we fixed were IPC failures for these following 
classes TestIPC,TestAsyncIPC and TestRPCServerShutdown .

We encountered the following stack trace -

Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
... 98 more
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: 
at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:520)
... 99 more

This was fixed by adding the following dependency which was missing JRE 17 
runtime for Netty -{*}{{org.bouncycastle:bcpkix-jdk15on:1.65}}{*}  
Ref: [https://github.com/netty/netty/issues/10317] 


This reduced the {*}error count to 96{*}.


These are very rough numbers but this solves most of the issue . 

For some errors : fix is this have not tried it 


Just trying to contribute to the community and my findings . 


> [JDK-17] Failed unit tests , with Java 17 runtime and compiled Java 8
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HADOOP-18716
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-18716
>             Project: Hadoop Common
>          Issue Type: Bug
>            Reporter: Vinay Devadiga
>            Priority: Critical
> Compiled Hadoop - Hadoop branch 3.3.3
> mvn clean install - DskipTests=True
> Java_Home ->  points to Java-8
> maven version - 3.8.8 (Quite latest)
> Ran various whole test suit on my private cloud environment -  
> Changed Java_Home to   Java-17 
> mvn surefire:test 
> Out of 22k tests - 2.5 k tests failed .

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