
Benoy Antony updated HADOOP-11567:
    Attachment: HADOOP-11567-001.patch

Attaching the patch with testcases.

> Refresh HTTP Authentication secret without restarting the server
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HADOOP-11567
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-11567
>             Project: Hadoop Common
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>    Affects Versions: 2.6.0
>            Reporter: Benoy Antony
>            Assignee: Benoy Antony
>         Attachments: HADOOP-11567-001.patch
> The _AuthenticationFilter_ uses the secret read from a file specified via 
> hadoop.http.authentication.signature.secret.file to sign the cookie 
> containing user authentication information.
> The secret is read only during initialization and hence needs a restart to 
> update the secret.
> ZKSignerSecretProvider can be used to rotate the secrets without restarting 
> the servers, but it needs a zookeeper setup.
> The jira is to refresh secret by updating the file.

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