
Hadoop QA commented on HADOOP-12321:

| (x) *{color:red}-1 overall{color}* |
|| Vote || Subsystem || Runtime || Comment ||
| {color:blue}0{color} | pre-patch |  24m 12s | Pre-patch trunk compilation is 
healthy. |
| {color:green}+1{color} | @author |   0m  0s | The patch does not contain any 
@author tags. |
| {color:green}+1{color} | tests included |   0m  0s | The patch appears to 
include 3 new or modified test files. |
| {color:green}+1{color} | javac |   7m 56s | There were no new javac warning 
messages. |
| {color:green}+1{color} | javadoc |  10m 13s | There were no new javadoc 
warning messages. |
| {color:green}+1{color} | release audit |   0m 23s | The applied patch does 
not increase the total number of release audit warnings. |
| {color:green}+1{color} | checkstyle |   4m 25s | There were no new checkstyle 
issues. |
| {color:green}+1{color} | whitespace |   0m  1s | The patch has no lines that 
end in whitespace. |
| {color:green}+1{color} | install |   1m 40s | mvn install still works. |
| {color:green}+1{color} | eclipse:eclipse |   0m 33s | The patch built with 
eclipse:eclipse. |
| {color:green}+1{color} | findbugs |  10m 20s | The patch does not introduce 
any new Findbugs (version 3.0.0) warnings. |
| {color:green}+1{color} | common tests |  22m 58s | Tests passed in 
hadoop-common. |
| {color:red}-1{color} | mapreduce tests |   5m 25s | Tests failed in 
hadoop-mapreduce-client-hs. |
| {color:green}+1{color} | yarn tests |   3m 14s | Tests passed in 
hadoop-yarn-server-applicationhistoryservice. |
| {color:green}+1{color} | yarn tests |   7m 44s | Tests passed in 
hadoop-yarn-server-nodemanager. |
| {color:red}-1{color} | yarn tests |  53m 51s | Tests failed in 
hadoop-yarn-server-resourcemanager. |
| {color:green}+1{color} | yarn tests |   0m 23s | Tests passed in 
hadoop-yarn-server-web-proxy. |
| {color:red}-1{color} | hdfs tests | 168m 14s | Tests failed in hadoop-hdfs. |
| {color:red}-1{color} | hdfs tests |   1m 24s | Tests failed in 
hadoop-hdfs-nfs. |
| | | 323m  0s | |
|| Reason || Tests ||
| Failed unit tests | hadoop.mapreduce.v2.hs.TestHistoryFileManager |
|   | hadoop.mapreduce.v2.hs.TestHistoryServerFileSystemStateStoreService |
|   | hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.recovery.TestFSRMStateStore |
|   | hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.fsdataset.impl.TestLazyWriter |
|   | hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.TestBlockManager |
|   | hadoop.hdfs.web.TestWebHDFSOAuth2 |
|   | hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.fsdataset.impl.TestLazyPersistLockedMemory |
|   | hadoop.tools.TestJMXGet |
|   | 
hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.fsdataset.impl.TestLazyPersistReplicaPlacement |
|   | hadoop.hdfs.nfs.nfs3.TestWrites |
|   | hadoop.hdfs.nfs.nfs3.TestExportsTable |
|   | hadoop.hdfs.nfs.nfs3.TestReaddir |
|   | hadoop.hdfs.nfs.nfs3.TestNfs3HttpServer |
|   | hadoop.hdfs.nfs.nfs3.TestClientAccessPrivilege |
|   | hadoop.hdfs.nfs.nfs3.TestRpcProgramNfs3 |
|   | hadoop.hdfs.nfs.TestMountd |
|| Subsystem || Report/Notes ||
| Patch URL | 
| Optional Tests | javadoc javac unit findbugs checkstyle |
| git revision | trunk / 6955771 |
| hadoop-common test log | 
| hadoop-mapreduce-client-hs test log | 
| hadoop-yarn-server-applicationhistoryservice test log | 
| hadoop-yarn-server-nodemanager test log | 
| hadoop-yarn-server-resourcemanager test log | 
| hadoop-yarn-server-web-proxy test log | 
| hadoop-hdfs test log | 
| hadoop-hdfs-nfs test log | 
| Test Results | 
https://builds.apache.org/job/PreCommit-HADOOP-Build/7657/testReport/ |
| Java | 1.7.0_55 |
| uname | Linux asf906.gq1.ygridcore.net 3.13.0-36-lowlatency #63-Ubuntu SMP 
PREEMPT Wed Sep 3 21:56:12 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
| Console output | 
https://builds.apache.org/job/PreCommit-HADOOP-Build/7657/console |

This message was automatically generated.

> Make JvmPauseMonitor to AbstractService
> ---------------------------------------
>                 Key: HADOOP-12321
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-12321
>             Project: Hadoop Common
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>    Affects Versions: 2.8.0
>            Reporter: Steve Loughran
>            Assignee: Sunil G
>         Attachments: 0001-HADOOP-12321.patch, 0002-HADOOP-12321.patch, 
> 0004-HADOOP-12321.patch, HADOOP-12321-003.patch, 
> HADOOP-12321-005-aggregated.patch
>   Original Estimate: 1h
>  Remaining Estimate: 1h
> The new JVM pause monitor has been written with its own start/stop lifecycle 
> which has already proven brittle to both ordering of operations and, even 
> after HADOOP-12313, is not thread safe (both start and stop are potentially 
> re-entrant).
> It also requires every class which supports the monitor to add another field 
> and perform the lifecycle operations in its own lifecycle, which, for all 
> Yarn services, is the YARN app lifecycle (as implemented in Hadoop common)
> Making the  monitor a subclass of {{AbstractService}} and moving the 
> init/start & stop operations in {{serviceInit()}}, {{serviceStart()}} & 
> {{serviceStop()}} methods will fix the concurrency and state model issues, 
> and make it trivial to add as a child to any YARN service which subclasses 
> {{CompositeService}} (most the NM and RM apps) will be able to hook up the 
> monitor simply by creating one in the ctor and adding it as a child.

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