Hm. What version of Hadoop are you running? Have you modified the file in other ways?  The logfiles generated by Hadoop
should, by default, switch to a new file every day, appending the
previous day's date to the closed log file (e.g.,
"hadoop-hadoop-datanode-jargon.log.2009-07-13"). You should be able to
use logrotate + cron to move those files out to someplace with more
space and/or remove them after they're too old.

After you changed, did you restart the daemons?
Changing the properties file has no effect on running processes.
Similarly, if you're running on a proper cluster (as opposed to
standalone / pseudo-distributed modes), you'll need to set
"hadoop.root.logger=ERROR,console" in the file on
each separate machine; the client machine alone is not sufficient.

- Aaron

On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 1:59 PM, Arv Mistry<> wrote:
> Hi,
> Recently we ran out of disk space on the hadoop machine, and on
> investigation we found it was the hadoop log4j logs.
> In the file I have set the hadoop.root.logger=ERROR
> yet I still the daily hadoop-hadoopadmin-*.log files with INFO level
> logging in them. These never seem to get trimmed or rollover.
> Does anyone know how to limit ALL hadoop logs?
> Do I have to set each daemon logging individually? i.e.
> etc
> Cheers Arv

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