Pallavi Palleti wrote:
Hi all,

I tried to trackdown to the place where I can add some conditions for not allowing 
any remote user with username as hadoop(root user) (other than some specific 
hostnames or ipaddresses). I could see the call path as FsShell -> 
DistributedFileSystem ->DFSClient - ClientProtocol. As there is no way to debug 
the code via eclipse (when I ran thru eclipse it points to LocalFileSystem), I 
followed naive way of debugging by adding print commands. After DFSClient, I couldn't 
figure out which Class is getting called. From the code, I could see only NameNode 
extended ClientProtocol, so I was pretty sure that NameNode methods are getting 
called, but I coudln't see my debug print statements in the logs when I added some 
print statements in the namenode. Can some one help me what is the flow when a call 
from Remote machine with same root user name(hadoop) is made?

I tried for mkdir command which essentially calls mkdirs() method in DFSClient 
and there by ClientProtocol mkdirs() method.

-client side, there are a couple of places where there is an exec("whoami") to determine the username.

-server side, everything goes through the namenode. You should put your stuff there, if you want to defend against people using their own versions of the hadoop libraries.

-No need to add print statements to trace flow, just set your log4j settings to log at DEBUG to see lots of stuff.

-you can bring up a MiniMRCluster() in a single VM, which is how most of the unit tests run. This will let you debug both ends of the DFS conversation within the IDE.

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