Two alternatives:

1. Do bin/hadoop namenode -format. That'll format the metadata and you can
start afresh.

2. If that doesnt work, manually go and delete everything that resides in
the directories to which you've pointed your Namenode and Datanodes to store
their stuff in.

On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 4:10 PM, Phil Whelan <> wrote:

> Hi,
> In setting up my cluster and brought a few machines up and down. I did
> have some data in which I moved to Trash. Now that data is not 100%
> available, which is fine, because I didn't want it.
> But now I'm stuck in "Safe Mode", because it cannot find the data. I
> cannot purge the Trash because it's in read-only due to Safe Mode.
>   Safe mode is ON.
>   The ratio of reported blocks 0.9931 has not reached the threshold 0.9990.
>   Safe mode will be turned off automatically.
>   459 files and directories, 583 blocks = 1042 total. Heap Size is
> 7.8 MB / 992.31 MB (0%)
> I want to just want format the entire HDFS filesystem. I have nothing
> I need in there. How can I do this?
> Phil

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