Hi Alex,

I am also doing a little on HBase - I think I have heard that a few
higher memory machines with more spindles and cores per machine beat
more smaller machines with similar total capacity (I *guess* this is
due to memory buffers and data locality).  Please don't take my word
for it, but I recommend posting the same to the HBase list -


On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 7:54 PM, Allen Wittenauer
<awittena...@linkedin.com> wrote:
> On 10/15/09 9:42 AM, "Steve Loughran" <ste...@apache.org> wrote:
>> It's an interesting Q as to what is better, fewer nodes with more
>> storage/CPU or more, smaller nodes.
>> Bigger servers
>>   * more chance of running code near the data
>>   * less data moved over the LAN at shuffle time
>>   * RAM consumption can be more agile across tasks.
>>   * increased chance of disk failure on a node; hadoop handles that very
>> badly right now (pre 0.20 -datanode goes offline)
>> Smaller servers
>>   * easier to place data redundantly across machines
>>   * less RAM taken up by other people's jobs
>>   * more nodes stay up when a disk fails (less important on 0.20 onwards)
>>   * when a node goes down, less data to re-replicate across the other
>> machines
>> 1. I would like to hear other people's opinions,
> - Don't forget the about the more obvious things:  if you go with more disks
> per server, that also means likely means less controllers doing IO.
> - Keep in mind that fewer CPUs/less RAM=less task slots available.  While
> your workflow may not be CPU-bound in the traditional sense, if you are
> spawning 5000 maps, you're going to need quite a few slots to get your work
> done in a reasonable time.
> - To counter that, it seems we can run more tasks-per-node in LI's 2U config
> than Y!'s 1U config.  But this might be an apples/oranges comparison (LI
> uses Solaris+ZFS, Y! uses Linux+ext3).
>> 2. The gridmix 2 benchmarking stuff tries to create synthetic benchmarks
>> from your real data runs. Try that, collect some data, then go to your
>> suppliers.
> +1

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