Each node reads its own conf files (mapred-site.xml, hdfs-site.xml etc.)
Make sure your configs are consistent on all nodes across entire cluster and
are pointing to correct fs.

Hope it helps,

On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 16:36, Bhupesh Bansal <bban...@linkedin.com> wrote:

> Hey Folks,
> I am seeing a very weird problem in FileSystem.get(Configuration).
> I want to get a FileSystem given the configuration, so I am using
>      Configuration conf = new Configuration();
>     _fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
> The problem is I am getting LocalFileSystem on some machines and
> Distributed
> on others. I am printing conf.get("fs.default.name") at all places and
> It returns the right HDFS value 'hdfs://dummy:9000'
> My expectation is looking at fs.default.name if it is hdfs:// it should
> give
> me a DistributedFileSystem always.
> Best
> Bhupesh

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