Are you certain that your records are being split into key and value the way
you expect. That is the usual reason for odd join behavior.
I haven't used the join code past 19.1, however.

On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 12:42 PM, Edmund Kohlwey <> wrote:

> I'm using Cloudera's distribution for Hadoop 0.20.1 + 133
> The javadocs for package org.apache.hadoop.mapred.join state " For a given
> key, each operation will consider the cross product of all values for all
> sources at that node"
> I'm doing an inner join between two tables with a text key. One table has
> multiple values for the same key. I would expect, from the documentation, to
> see the cross product of the values for a given key represented in the
> output. Instead I'm simply getting a single row. Does anyone know if this is
> a bug or if its the intended functionality (and the documentation is
> flawed)?
> table 1
> k1 -> a
> table 2
> k1 ->c
> k1 ->d
> I should get:
> table 1 inner join table 2
> k1->ac
> k1->ad
> Instead I'm getting:
> table 1 inner join table 2
> k1->ac

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