They are only alternatives. hadoop fs -rmr works well for me. I do not exactly 
know what error it gives you or how the call is invoked.On batch , lets say on 
perl below should work fine
$cmd = "hadoop fs -rmr /op";


On 1/19/10 10:31 AM, "prasenjit mukherjee" <> wrote:

Hmmm.  I am actually running it from a batch file. Is "hadoop fs -rmr"
not that stable compared to pig's rm OR hadoop's FileSystem ?

Let me try your suggestion by writing a cleanup script in pig.


On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 10:25 AM, Rekha Joshi <> wrote:
> Can you try with dfs/ without quotes?If using pig to run jobs you can use rmf 
> within your script(again w/o quotes) to force remove and avoid error if 
> file/dir not present.Or if doing this inside hadoop job, you can use 
> FileSystem/FileStatus to delete directories.HTH.
> Cheers,
> /R
> On 1/19/10 10:15 AM, "prasenjit mukherjee" <> wrote:
> "hadoop fs -rmr /op"
> That command always fails. I am trying to run sequential hadoop jobs.
> After the first run all subsequent runs fail while cleaning up ( aka
> removing the hadoop dir created by previous run ). What can I do to
> avoid this ?
> here is my hadoop version :
> # hadoop version
> Hadoop 0.20.0
> Subversion
> -r 763504
> Compiled by ndaley on Thu Apr  9 05:18:40 UTC 2009
> Any help is greatly appreciated.
> -Prasen

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