Todd Lipcon wrote:
On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 11:09 AM, Scott Carey <>wrote:

I have found some notes that suggest that "-XX:-ReduceInitialCardMarks"
will work around some known crash problems with 6u18, but that may be

Yep, I think that is probably a likely workaround as well. For now I'm
recommending downgrade to our clients, rather than introducing cryptic XX
flags :)

lots of bugreps come in once you search for ReduceInitialCardMarks

Looks like a feature has been turned on :

and now it is in wide-beta-test

Looks like the root cause is a new Garbage Collector, one that is still settling down. The ReduceInitialCardMarks flag is tuning the GC, but it is the GC itself that is possibly playing up, or it is a old GC + some new features. Either way: trouble.


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