On 03/04/2010 01:19 AM, Michael Segel wrote:

Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2010 00:42:11 +0700
From: fitrah.fird...@gmail.com
To: common-user@hadoop.apache.org
Subject: Hbase VS Hive

Hello Everyone

I want to ask about Hbase and Hive.

What is the different between Hbase and Hive? and then what is the 
consideration for
choose between Hbase or Hive?


HBase is a column oriented database that sits on top of HDFS.
You really want to use it if you're thinking about 'transactional' or random 
access of data within the data set.

Hive sits on HDFS and generates Hadoop jobs to process data.

I believe that Hive supports a SQL query type language (or am I confusing it 
with Pig) so you tend to write a query to walk through your data sets and 
perform a map reduce.

HBase, you want to pull subsets or even individual rows of data from a very 
large data set.
It can be used as part of Hadoop jobs or as a separate application.

If you're asking if you want to choose one or the other, I'd say think about 
knowing both.
Also how do you want to persist the data? In HDFS as flat files, or within a 
column oriented database.



Thanks for Your Reply,

Based on your explain,if I want to build Data mining project for Decision Support System,I should choose hive,is it correct?

Kind Regards


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