Hi Utku,

We're using Chukwa to collect and aggregate data as you describe and so far
it's working well. Typically chukwa collectors are deployed to all data
nodes, so there is no master write-bottleneck with this approach actually.

There have been discussions lately on the Chukwa list regarding how to write
data into HBase using Chukwa collectors or data processors that you might
want to check out.


On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 4:50 AM, Utku Can Topçu <u...@topcu.gen.tr> wrote:

> Hey All,
> Currently in a project I'm involved, we're about to make design choices
> regarding the use of Hadoop as a scalable and distributed data analytics
> framework.
> Basically the application would be the base of a Web Analytics tool, so I
> do
> have the vision that Hadoop would be the finest choice for analyzing the
> collected data.
> But for the collection of data is somewhat a different issue to consider,
> there needs to be serious design decision taken for the data collection
> architecture.
> Actually, I'd like to have a distributed and scalable data collection in
> production. The current situation is like we have multiple of servers in
> 3-4
> different locations, each collect some sort of data.
> The basic approach on analyzing this distributed data would be: logging
> them
> into structured text files so that we'll be able to transfer them to the
> hadoop cluster and analyze them using some MapReduce jobs.
> The basic process I define follows like this
> - Transfer log files to Hadoop master, (collectors to master)
> - Put the files on the master to the HDFS, (master to the cluster)
> As it's clear there's an overhead in the transfer of the log files. And the
> big log files will have to be analyzed even if you'll somehow need a small
> portion of the data.
> One better other option is, logging directly to a distributed database like
> Cassandra and HBase, so the MapReduce jobs would be fetching the data from
> the databases and doing the analysis. And the data will also be randomly
> accessible and open to queries in real-time.
> I'm not that much familiar in this area of distributed databases, however I
> can see that,
> -If we're using cassandra for storing logging information, we won't have a
> connection overhead for writing the data to the Cassandra cluster, since
> all
> nodes in the cluster are able to accept incoming write requests. However in
> HBase I'm afraid we'll need to write to the master only, so in such
> situation, there seems to be a connection overhead on the master and we can
> only scale up-to the levels that the through-put of master. Logging to
> HBase
> doesn't seem scalable from this point of view.
> -On the other hand, using a different Cassandra cluster which is not
> directly from the ecosystem of Hadoop, I'm afraid we'll lose the concept of
> "data locality" while using the data for analysis in MapReduce jobs if
> Cassandra was the choice for keeping the log data. However in the case of
> HBase we'll be able to use the data locality since it's directly related to
> the HDFS.
> -Is there a stable way for integrating Cassandra with Hadoop?
> So finally Chukwa seems to be a good choice for such kind of a data
> collection. Where each server that can be defined as sources will be
> running
> Agents on them, so they can transfer the data to the Collectors that reside
> close to the HDFS. After series of pipe-lined processes the data would be
> clearly available for analysis using MapReduce jobs.
> I see some connection overhead due to the through-put of master in this
> scenario and the files that need to be analyzed will also be again
> available
> in big files, so a sample range of the data analysis would require the
> reading of the full files.
> I feel like these are the brief options I figured out till now. Actually
> all
> decision will come with some kind of a drawback and provide some decision
> specific more functionality compared to the others.
> Is there anyone on the list who solved the need in such functionality
> previously? I'm open to all kind of comments and suggestions,
> Best Regards,
> Utku

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