
>   I know it is the way to set the capacity of each node, however, I want to
> know, how can we make Torque manager that we will run more than 1 mapred
> tasks on each machine. Because if we dont do this, torque will assign other
> cores on this machine to other tasks, which may cause a competition for
> cores.
>   Do you know how to solve this?

If I understand, what you want is that when a physical node is
allocated via HOD by the Torque resource manager, you don't want that
node to be shared by other jobs. Is that correct ?

Looking on the web, I found that schedulers like Maui / Moab that are
typically used with Torque allow for this. In particular, I thought
this link:
may be particularly useful. It talks about a NODEACCESSPOLICY
configuration in Maui that is described here:
Setting this policy to SINGLEJOB seems to solve your problem.

Can you check if this meets your requirement ?

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