Where are you looking for the logs?
They will be available in Tasklogs. You can view them from web ui from 
taskdetails.jsp page.


On 4/27/10 2:22 PM, "Alexander Semenov" <bohtva...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi all.

I'm not sure if I'm posting to correct mail list, please, suggest the
correct one if so.

I need to log statements from the running job, e.g. use Apache commons
logging to print debug messages on map and reduce operations. I've tuned
the conf/log4.properties file for my logging domain but log statements
are still missing in the log files and on the console. I start the job
like this:

hadoop jar jar_file.jar input_dir output_dir

The job finishes gracefully but I see no logging.

Any suggestions?

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