Writable is the recommended interface to work with.
Writable implementations reuse instances which serves large scale data
processing better than JavaSerialization.


On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 6:29 PM, Ananth Sarathy

> My team and I were working with sequence files and were using the
> LuceneDocumentWrapper. But when I try to get the valcall, i get a no such
> method exception from the ReflectionUtils, which is caused because it's
> trying to call a default constructor which doesn't exist for that class.
> So my question is  whether there is documentation or limitations to the
> type
> of objects that can be used with a sequencefile other than the Writable
> interface? I want to know if maybe I am trying to read from the file in the
> wrong way.
> Ananth T Sarathy

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