Thanks Ted,

not intuitive, but that'll work for now.

    String[] trackingUrl = job.getTrackingURL().split("=");
    BufferedWriter bwriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(lockFile));


>On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 9:47 AM, Ted Yu <> wrote:
>Minor correction:
>job Id is in the tracking URL
>On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 9:36 AM, Ted Yu <> wrote:
>> In new API, info is a private member of Job. I haven't found an easy 
>> way to retrieve what you wanted.
>> You can call getTrackingURL() and try parsing the HTML from the 
>> contents of HTML. :-)
>> You can also file a JIRA about this.
>> FYI mapred is going to be undeprecated. I would suggest spending your 
>> time on other part of your code.
>> On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 6:30 AM, Some Body <>wrote:
>>> I still haven't figured out how to query the JobTracker for a 
>>> specific running job using the new API.
>>> Is this at all possible? The old/new APIs are driving me crazy.
>>> As far as I understand the old API entailed using mapred.JobClient & 
>>> JobConf
>>>  JobConf jobConf = new JobConf(new Configuration(), MyJob.class);  
>>> ....
>>>  RunningJob runningJob = JobClient.submitJob(jobConf);
>>> But in the new API I'm using mapreduce.Job like this:
>>>  130: Job job = new Job(new Configuration(), "MyJobName");
>>>  131: job.submit();
>>>  132: // The job starts ok here but the job.getJobID() gives me a 
>>> null pointer.
>>>  133: System.err.printf("submitted job %s\n", 
>>> job.getJobID().toString());
>>> After submitting the job with job.submit() above I can do this to get 
>>> all jobs,
>>>  100: JobConf jobConf = new JobConf(config, MyDriver.class);
>>>  101: JobClient jc = new JobClient(jobConf);
>>>  102: JobStatus[] allJobs = jc.getAllJobs();
>>>  103: for (int i = 0; i<allJobs.length; i++) {
>>>  104:   // check running jobs
>>>  105:   int status = allJobs[i].getRunState();
>>>  106:     if ( status == 1 ) {
>>>  107:       JobID jid = allJobs[i].getJobID();
>>>  108:       // compare this id or name to the id/name from my lock file
>>>  109:       System.err.printf("job %s is still running\n",
>>> jid.toString());
>>>  110:     }
>>>  111: }
>>> but I still need a way to retrieve the job's ID or name after line 
>>> 131 above, because I'd be writing this ID (or name) to a lock file 
>>> and then killing the job in the loop before starting a new job.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alan

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