
> 1. I login through SSH without password from master and slaves, it's all 
> right :-)
> 2.
>  <property>
>    <name>hadoop.tmp.dir</name>
>    <value>tmp</value>
>  </property>
> In fact, 'tmp' is what I want  :-)
>                         + tmp
>                                  + dfs
>                                  + mapred

I am not sure if a relative part works. When I tried with a similar
setting, I wasn't able to run jobs, though admittedly the problem was
not the same as what you got. Could you try with a full path just in


>> From: yhema...@gmail.com
>> Aside from usual checks regarding connectivity between master and
>> slaves, one quick observation is that the hadoop.tmp.dir says 'tmp'.
>> Shouldn't this be '/tmp' ?
>> Thanks
>> Hemanth

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