You can set the and mapred.tasktracker.reduce.tasks.maximum properties in your mapred-site.xml file, but you may also want to check your current and mapred.child.ulimit values to make sure they aren't overriding the 4GB you set globally.


I am trying to run a job on my hadoop cluster, where I get consistently get
heap space error.

I increased the heap-space to 4 GB in and reboot the cluster.
However, I still get the heap space error.

One of things, I want to try is to reduce the number of map / reduce process
per machine. Currently each machine can have 2 maps and 2 reduce process

I want to configure the hadoop to run 1 map and 1 reduce per machine to give
more heap space per process.

How can I configure the number of maps and number of reducer per node ?

thanks in advance,
-- Pramod

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