
check if the ports are open outside school network else

you will have to use ssh tunneling if you want to access ports serving the webpages (as it is more likely that these are not open by default)

try something like

ssh -L50030:hadoop-host-address:50030 ur-usern...@cluster-head-node

Then open  localhost:50030 to see job-tracker page.


On Oct 6, 2010, at 9:14 PM, Maha A. Alabduljalil wrote:

Hi Every one,

I've started up hadoop (hdfs data and name nodes, JobTracker and TaskTrakers), using the quick start guidance. The web view of the filesystem and jobtracker suddenly started to give can't be found by safari.

Notice I'm actually accessing hadoop via ssh to my school account. Could that be the problem?

                    Thank you,


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