>On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 4:29 PM, Aaron Baff <aaron.b...@telescope.tv> wrote:
>> I'm having a problem with a custom WritableComparable that I created
>> to use as a Key object. I basically have a number of identifier's with
>> a timestamp, and I'm wanting to group the Identifier's together in the
>> reducer, and order the records by the timestamp (oldest to newest)
>The reduce is called for each distinct key. Fortunately, there is an option to 
>get different grouping going into the reduce called the "grouping"
>comparator. Look at the SecondarySort example for how to do it. Also note that 
>your partitioner needs to make sure that the partition is only picked based on 
>the primary key. (This can be effected by making the hashcode only depend on 
>it, if you use the HashPartitioner.
>-- Owen

Thanks Owen. Once I set the correct setOutputKeyComparatorClass() and 
setOutputValueGroupingComparator() based on the SecondarySort example and 
 which I found through a helpful Google search, I got it to work. Didn't need 
to create a specific Partitioner as my hasCode() function was just using the 
part of the Key that I wanted to partition by (just the Identifier), so I just 
used the HashPartitioner.


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