I did something like this using a global static boolean variable (flag) while I was implementing breadth first IDA*. In my case, I set the flag to something else if a solution was found, which was examined in the reducer.

I guess in your case, since you know that if the mappers don't produce anything the reducers won't have anything as input, if I am not wrong.

And I had chaining map-reduce jobs ( http://developer.yahoo.com/hadoop/tutorial/module4.html ) running until a solution was found.

Kind regards,

Arindam Khaled

On Dec 17, 2010, at 12:58 AM, Peng, Wei wrote:


I am a newbie of hadoop.

Today I was struggling with a hadoop problem for several hours.

I initialize a parameter by setting job configuration in main.

E.g. Configuration con = new Configuration();

con.set("test", "1");

Job job = new Job(con);

Then in the mapper class, I want to set "test" to "2". I did it by


Finally in the main method, after the job is finished, I check the
"test" again by


However, the value of "test" is still "1".

The reason why I want to change the parameter inside Mapper class is
that I want to determine when to stop an iteration in the main method.
For example, for doing breadth-first search, when there is no new nodes
are added for further expansion, the searching iteration should stop.

Your help will be deeply appreciated. Thank you


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