The Hadoop is designed for no-real time application.
But You can change the parameter to reduce the job execution time.

I search an article in Google.
Hope You can find some useful information on that.

On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 4:19 PM, Igor Bubkin <> wrote:

> Hello everybody
> I have a problem. I installed Hadoop on 2-nodes cluster and run Wordcount
> example. It takes about 20 sec for processing of 1,5MB text file. We want
> to
> use Map/Reduce in real time (interactive: by user's requests). User can't
> wait for his request 20 sec. This is too long. Is it possible to reduce
> time
> of Map/Reduce job? Or may be I misunderstand something?
> BR,
> Igor Babkin,


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