Cross posts are bad
Your urgency is understandable but sending a question to different
(and wrong lists)  won't help you.

First of all this is HDFS question.

Second of all for CDH related questions please use list.
  Take care,
Konstantin (Cos) Boudnik

On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 22:15, springring <> wrote:
> Hi,
>    I install CDH3 follow the mannul as attached file,
> but when I run the command
> "su -s /bin/bash -hdfs -c 'hadoop namenode -format'"
> on page 25, it show that "su: invalid option --h",
> so I change the comand to
> "su -s /bin/bash -hdfs -c'hadoop namenode -format'"
> the message is that
> "May not run daemons as root.Please specify HADOOP_NAMENODE_USER"
> So, is there any wrong in my operation?
> Thanks.
> Springring.Xu

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