I am using the kmeans clustering in mahout.  It ran fine in my 32 bit
machine.  But when I try to run it in another 64 bit machine I get the
following error:

*org.apache.hadoop.util.NativeCodeLoader <clinit>
WARNING: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using
builtin-java classes where applicable

I built my native libraries in hadoop.  My project uses the hadoop core jar
file alone.  The algorithm does not run distributively over hadoop but runs
only in one system.  I am not using the parallelizing capacity of hadoop
 I am getting the error when using methods in hadoop.util.NativeCodeLoader.

Can somebody help me to build the native libraries?

I am using ubuntu 64 bit version on a amd processor.

Ajay Anandan.
MSc,Computing Science, University of Alberta.

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