On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 10:00 AM, Tom Deutsch <tdeut...@us.ibm.com> wrote:
> Along with Brian I'd also suggest it depends on what you are doing with
> the images, but we used Hadoop specifically for this purpose in several
> solutions we build to do advanced imaging processing. Both scale out
> ability to large data volumes and (in our case) compute to do the image
> classification was well suited to Hadoop.
> ------------------------------------------------
> Tom Deutsch
> Program Director
> CTO Office: Information Management
> Hadoop Product Manager / Customer Exec
> 3565 Harbor Blvd
> Costa Mesa, CA 92626-1420
> tdeut...@us.ibm.com
> Brian Bockelman <bbock...@cse.unl.edu>
> 03/03/2011 06:42 AM
> Please respond to
> common-user@hadoop.apache.org
> To
> common-user@hadoop.apache.org
> cc
> Subject
> Re: Hadoop and image processing?
> On Mar 3, 2011, at 1:23 AM, nigelsande...@btconnect.com wrote:
>> How applicable would Hadoop be to the processing of thousands of large
> (60-100MB) 3D image files accessible via NFS, using a 100+ machine
> cluster?
>> Does the idea have any merit at all?
> It may be a good idea.  If you think the above is a viable architecture
> for data processing, then you likely don't "need" Hadoop because your
> problem is small enough, or you spent way too much money on your NFS
> server.
> Whether or not you "need" Hadoop for data scalability - petabytes of data
> moved at gigabytes a second - is a small aspect of the question.
> Hadoop is a good data processing platform in its own right.  Traditional
> batch systems tend to have very Unix-friendly APIs for data processing
> (you'll find yourself writing perl script that create text submit files,
> shell scripts, and C code), but appear clumsy to "modern developers" (this
> is speaking as someone who lives and breathes batch systems).  Hadoop has
> "nice" Java APIs and is Java developer friendly, has a lot of data
> processing concepts built in compared to batch systems, and extends OK to
> other langauges.
> If you write your image processing in Java, it would be silly to not
> consider Hadoop.  If you currently run a bag full of shell scripts and C++
> code, it's a tougher decision to make.
> Brian

It can't be done.


Just kidding :)

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