Are you configure your ssh service?

2011/3/5 Tanping Wang <>

> Try
> $HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop namenode -format
> or maybe consider
> export PATH=$HADOOP_HOME/bin:$PATH
> Regards,
> Tanping
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Manish Yadav []
> Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2011 1:00 AM
> To:
> Subject: hadoop installation problem(single-node)
> Dear Sir/Madam
>  I'm very new to hadoop. I'm trying to install hadoop on my computer. I
> followed a weblink and try to install it. I want to install hadoop on my
> single node cluster.
> i 'm using Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit as my operating system . I have installed
> java in /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_24. the step i take to install hadoop are
> following
> 1: Make a group hadoop and a user hadoop with home directory in hadoop
> directory i have a directory called projects and download hadoop binary
> there than extract them there; i configured the ssh also.
> than i made changes to some file which are following. i'm attaching them
> with this male please check them .
> 1: hadoop_env_sh
> 2:core-site.xml
> 3mapreduce-site.xml
> 4 hdfs-site. xml
> 5 hadoop's usre .bashrc
> 6 hadoop'user .profile
>  After making changes to these fie ,I just enter the hadoop account and
> enter the  few command following thing happen :
> hadoop@ws40-man-lin:~$ echo $HADOOP_HOME
> /home/hadoop/project/hadoop-0.20.0
> hadoop@ws40-man-lin:~$ hadoop namenode -format
> hadoop: command not found
> hadoop@ws40-man-lin:~$ namenode -format
> namenode: command not found
> hadoop@ws40-man-lin:~$
> now I'm completely stuck i don't know what to do? please help me as there
> is no more help around the net.
> i' m attaching the files also which i changed can u tell me the exact
> configuration which i should use to install hadoop.

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