I am trying Rumen to process Hadoop logs.  However, it always gives me errors.

1) name of job log file incorrect
In my Hadoop installation, name of job log file looks like
"job_<time>_<index>_<username>".  But Rumen expects
"<hostname>_<epoch>_job_<time>_<index>_<username>" which seems to be
used by old versions of Hadoop.
I manually renamed log file to fix the error.

2) Runtime exception:
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum const class

In enum class "Pre21JobHistoryConstants.Values", there is an enum
object "SUCCESS" rather than "SUCCEEDED".
>From name of class "Pre21JobHistoryConstants", I guess the class is
not for Hadoop 0.21.0.

Anyone knows the detail? Is Rumen broken in Hadoop 0.21.0?



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