I'm getting many "cannot find symbol" errors.  I've been searching
everywhere and have given up.  There has to be a good (and very
simple) reason for why this is happening.

My setup is as follows:
hadoop installed to - /usr/local/hadoop

Test folder (to compile word count) - /usr/local/hadoop/test/WordCount.java

I am finally at the point where I tried running this command (out of
javac -verbose -classpath
"/usr/local/hadoop/*":"/usr/local/hadoop/lib/*" Wordcount.java

The output was quite large.  Suffices to say that the search path for
source and classfiles was every .jar file in the /usr/local/hadoop and
/usr/local/hadoop/lib directories.

A sampling of the errors I'm getting are as follows:
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
WordCount.java:7: cannot find symbol

import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
WordCount.java:8 cannot find symbol

so on and so on.

I'm still a beginner when it comes to compiling command line java and
running Linux.  But, I did get our cluster up and running the example
files and benchmarks.

Thank You,

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