
well, sort of, we have some other networking issues now that forbid us from actually testing the change of the port.

I will let you know as soon as all is tested.

Thanks to everyone for their help,

On 6/2/2011 9:12 PM, Harsh J wrote:

Good to know. That'd indeed have lead to wrong bind/listen. Are you
out of DFS troubles now?

On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 11:39 PM, George Kousiouris
<gkous...@mail.ntua.gr>  wrote:

we have made some progress with this. One of the problems was that:
-etc/hosts master alias  was set to localhost

So we changed the core-site xml to have directly the public IP.


On 6/2/2011 8:00 PM, George Kousiouris wrote:

it seems to be working fine, and the telnet also works...:-(

On 6/2/2011 7:56 PM, Harsh J wrote:

Could you ensure that your 8090'd NameNode starts up fine? If yes, can
also you telnet to that "host port" from your remote node - that
should tell you if your firewall is at issue again?

On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 10:17 PM, George Kousiouris
<gkous...@mail.ntua.gr>    wrote:

the main issue that we are trying to connect a datanode from a remote
to the master node that is behind a firewall that does not have 8020
We change the port from the core-site xml to 8090 and restart.
But when we try to start hdfs, it seems that all services are started,
datanode is listed in the jps, however in the datanode logs we get the
following error:

2011-06-02 12:41:21,378 INFO org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Client: Retrying
connect to server: master/xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8090. Already tried 3

and it finally gives up. Thanks for the link, it is very helpful to have
this info concentrated.


On 6/2/2011 7:37 PM, Harsh J wrote:

Could you additionally describe the issues you're facing right now

If you need a fuller port number reference, we have a blog post here
you can get them from:


On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 8:18 PM, George

thanks for the reply, we tried this with a definitely open (from a
pov) port but still did not work. Maybe something else in addition is


On 6/2/2011 5:32 PM, John Armstrong wrote:
On Thu, 02 Jun 2011 17:23:08 +0300, George Kousiouris
<gkous...@mail.ntua.gr>        wrote:
Are there anywhere instructions on how to change from the default
of Hadoop and HDFS? My main interest is in default port 8020.
I think this is part of fs.default.name.  You would go into
and add (or change)


I'm sort of new to this myself, so if I'm wrong I hope someone will
correct me.



George Kousiouris
Electrical and Computer Engineer
Division of Communications,
Electronics and Information Engineering
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Tel: +30 210 772 2546
Mobile: +30 6939354121
Fax: +30 210 772 2569
Email: gkous...@mail.ntua.gr

National Technical University of Athens
9 Heroon Polytechniou str., 157 73 Zografou, Athens, Greece



George Kousiouris
Electrical and Computer Engineer
Division of Communications,
Electronics and Information Engineering
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Tel: +30 210 772 2546
Mobile: +30 6939354121
Fax: +30 210 772 2569
Email: gkous...@mail.ntua.gr

National Technical University of Athens
9 Heroon Polytechniou str., 157 73 Zografou, Athens, Greece



George Kousiouris
Electrical and Computer Engineer
Division of Communications,
Electronics and Information Engineering
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Tel: +30 210 772 2546
Mobile: +30 6939354121
Fax: +30 210 772 2569
Email: gkous...@mail.ntua.gr

National Technical University of Athens
9 Heroon Polytechniou str., 157 73 Zografou, Athens, Greece



George Kousiouris
Electrical and Computer Engineer
Division of Communications,
Electronics and Information Engineering
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Tel: +30 210 772 2546
Mobile: +30 6939354121
Fax: +30 210 772 2569
Email: gkous...@mail.ntua.gr

National Technical University of Athens
9 Heroon Polytechniou str., 157 73 Zografou, Athens, Greece

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