Never worked with maps before, btw what are you trying to calculate?


On 21 June 2011 17:14, Dhruv Kumar <> wrote:

> I want to extract the key-value pairs from a MapWritable, cast them into
> Integer (key) and Double (value) types, and add them to another collection.
> I'm attempting the following but this code is incorrect.
> // initialDistributionStripe is a MapWritable<IntWritable, DoubleWritable>
> // initialProbabilities is of type  Vector which can have (Integer, Double)
> entries in it
> for (Map.Entry<Writable, Writable> entry : initialDistributionStripe.
> entrySet()) {
>      initialProbabilities.set(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
>    }
> Is there a convenient way to do this?

José Pablo Alberto Andreotti.
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