Does your compareTo() method test object pointer equality? If so, you could
be getting burned by Hadoop reusing Writable objects.

On Aug 14, 2011 9:20 PM, "Stan Rosenberg" <>
> Hi Folks,
> After much poking around I am still unable to determine why I am seeing
> 'reduce' being called twice with the "same" key.
> Recall from my previous email that "sameness" is determined by 'compareTo'
> of my custom key type.
> AFAIK, the default WritableComparator invokes 'compareTo' for any two keys
> which are being ordered during sorting and merging.
> Is it somehow possible that a bitwise comparator is used for the spilled
> output rather than the default WritableComparator?
> I am out of clues, short of studying the "shuffling" code. If anyone can
> suggest some further debugging steps, don't be shy. :)
> Thanks!!!
> stan

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