It would very helpful if someone can point to where I can possibly find a
solution to this problem.

On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 12:27 PM, Vivek K <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am trying to build a Hadoop/MR application in c++ using hadoop-pipes. I
> have been able to successfully work with my own mappers and reducers, but
> now I need to generate output (from reducer) in a format different from the
> default TextOutputFormat. I have a few questions:
> (1) Similar to Hadoop streaming, is there an option to set OutputFormat in
> HadoopPipes (in order to use say ?
> I am using Hadoop version 0.20.2.
> (2) For a simple test on how to use an in-built non-default writer, I tried
> the following:
>      hadoop pipes -D -D
> -input input.seq -output output
> -inputformat org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat -writer
> -program my_test_program
>      However this fails with a ClassNotFound exception. And if I remove the
> -writer flag and use the default writer, it works just fine.
> (3) Is there some example or discussion related to how to write your own
> RecordWriter and run it with Hadoop-pipes ?
> Thanks.
> Best,
> Vivek
> --

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