Yeah I have a secondary namenode as well so 2 directories.

I was trying to avoid expect if possible..... But this is always an option.


On 9/22/11 3:17 PM, "Arpit Gupta" <> wrote:

>The reason you are getting multiple prompts is that you have multiple
>dir's defined in the
>A simple expect script would take care of this.
>#!/usr/bin/expect -f
>spawn /bin/hadoop  namenode -format
>expect "Re-format filesystem in"
>send Y\n 
>expect "Re-format filesystem in"
>send Y\n 
>You might have to put the above in a loop based on how many dirs are
>defined in the
>On Sep 22, 2011, at 2:59 PM, <> wrote:
>> Hi Raj and Arpit,
>> I think the fact that there are 2 confirmations is causing it not to
>> echo "Y" | hadoop namenode -format
>> 11/09/22 14:57:10 INFO namenode.NameNode: STARTUP_MSG:
>> /************************************************************
>> STARTUP_MSG: Starting NameNode
>> STARTUP_MSG:   host = hdm1/
>> STARTUP_MSG:   args = [-format]
>> STARTUP_MSG:   version =
>> STARTUP_MSG:   build = git:// on branch
>> branch-0.20-security-204 -r 65e258bf0813ac2b15bb4c954660eaf9e8fba141;
>> compiled by 'hortonow' on Thu Aug 25 23:25:52 UTC 2011
>> ************************************************************/
>> Re-format filesystem in /data/local/hdfs/name ? (Y or N) Re-format
>> filesystem in /data/remote/hdfs/name ? (Y or N) Format aborted in
>> /data/remote/hdfs/name
>> 11/09/22 14:57:10 INFO namenode.NameNode: SHUTDOWN_MSG:
>> /************************************************************
>> SHUTDOWN_MSG: Shutting down NameNode at hdm1/
>> ************************************************************/
>> Heap
>> par new generation   total 2831168K, used 150996K [0x00002aaaae210000,
>> 0x00002aab6e210000, 0x00002aab6e210000)
>>  eden space 2516608K,   6% used [0x00002aaaae210000, 0x00002aaab75852d0,
>> 0x00002aab47bb0000)
>>  from space 314560K,   0% used [0x00002aab47bb0000, 0x00002aab47bb0000,
>> 0x00002aab5aee0000)
>>  to   space 314560K,   0% used [0x00002aab5aee0000, 0x00002aab5aee0000,
>> 0x00002aab6e210000)
>> concurrent mark-sweep generation total 30408704K, used 0K
>> [0x00002aab6e210000, 0x00002ab2ae210000, 0x00002ab2ae210000)
>> concurrent-mark-sweep perm gen total 21248K, used 7333K
>> [0x00002ab2ae210000, 0x00002ab2af6d0000, 0x00002ab2b3610000)
>> Cheers,
>> Ivan
>> On 9/22/11 2:52 PM, "Raj V" <> wrote:
>>> Ian
>>> "echo 'Y' | hadoop namenode -format"
>>> should work.,
>>> Raj
>>>> ________________________________
>>>> From: "" <>
>>>> To:
>>>> Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 2:43 PM
>>>> Subject: formatting hdfs without user interaction
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I am trying to automate formatting an HDFS volume.  Is there any way
>>>> do this without the interaction (and using expect)?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ivan

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